hysop.operator.base.integrate module¶
- class hysop.operator.base.integrate.IntegrateBase(field, variables, name=None, pretty_name=None, cst=1, parameter=None, scaling=None, expr=None, **kwds)[source]¶
Common implementation interface for field integration.
Initialize a Integrate operator base.
Integrate a field on it compute domain and put the result in a parameter.
- in: field
Possibly as multi-component field that should be integrated.
- out: parameter
P = scaling * integral_V(field) where V is the field domain volume and scaling depends on specified scaling method.
- field: Field
Input continuous field to be integrated.
- variables: dict
dictionary of fields as keys and topologies as values.
- parameter: ScalarParameter or TensorParameter
The output parameter that will contain the integral. Should match field.nb_components. A default parameter will be created if not specified.
- scaling: None, float, str or array-like of str, optional
Scaling method used after integration. ‘volumic’: scale by domain size (product of mesh space steps) ‘normalize’: scale by first integration (first value will be 1.0) Can also be a custom float value of tuple of float values. Defaults to volumic integration.
- cst: float, optional
Extra scaling constant for volumic mode.
- kwds:
Extra keywords arguments that will be passed towards implementation enstrophy operator __init__.